Nidhi Vidya Bhavan is a Government of Gujarat recognized English medium
school. It follows NCERT syllabus in teaching to students from NURSERY to
class 12th (Science & Commerce). The books syllabus are reviewed at regular
interval and if necessary to change in interest of improving quality of
education, the managing committee takes decision to change books at periodic
NCERT syllabus are quite exhaustive and gives good fundamental learning to
students about various topics. By following NCERT syllabus students can
prepare for various higher level competitive examinations such as JEE | NEET
| IAS | PCS & other competitive examinations.
Besides academics students are evaluated on various aspect of achievements on
co-curriculum activities.
Activities based on creative learning are designed to create involvements of
students for improving fundamental knowledge and concepts about the
Students are encouraged to take part in Debate, English Speaking, Cultural
Activities, Drama, Dance, Celebrations of festivals, Mono acting, Singing,
Elocution, GK, Book Reading, News Reading and Mind Games etc.
Students are encouraged to participate in various Olympiad such as Science,
Math, English & other subjects.
Science exhibitions are planned to prepare science model on subject and
students are trained to prepare science model and explain concepts to visiting
faculties. Thus scientific approach amongst students are encouraged.
School also organizes Self Defence Training and Zudo | Karate as to improve
self prior and confidence amongst students.